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Motiv8 | January 7, 2019

To: You

From: Keyona Porshaa`

Mood: Chillin' with a little headache

Place: In bed watching reruns of Girlfriends

Song: Boogie - Sunroof ft. Dana Williams

Color: Green

Subject: Welcome 2019-----

We have arrived to the second week of the awaited new year, rather quickly but we're here so we can count that as a blessing. Welcome everyone to my blog, I have so many journals and I finally want to consistently entertain you all with my thoughts.

During a New Year workout and reflection, my girlfriend Tychyna and I, came up with some goals for ourselves. I'm saying goals to take off some of that 'resolution' pressure that sometimes feel like they weigh a ton.

For the beginning of the new year I want to do three things:



  3. MOTIV8

One of my goals for myself is to consistently grow and evolve and a way to do that is to practice the listed things. I found myself selling up a lot of things around me, except for myself of course. I was constantly selling myself short and the things that I have accomplished. Looking back on this year, I was able to complete and create so much and I'm ultimately extremely proud of myself but I have goals and aspirations and it will probably be regressive that I don't practice speaking highly of myself and the things I have accomplished when I get the chance.

I challenge you to practice with me in this 2019 year, "Talking It Up." If you've never written a script and you're super proud and to you it's worth the shout out, TALK IT UP. If you've never shot and edited a video of yourself and you accomplished that no matter if 1 or 100 people viewed it, TALK IT UP.

Certainly Nike wouldn't mind if we incorporate the motivational message, JUST DO IT right?

Me personally, I envision such perfection before practice. I cheat myself out of the evolution part of progress, I want to start out a PRO. I can admit that I dream up these big production works and I get a bit discouraged when I put out work that is not PICTURE PERFECT but I believe our IG and Twitter timelines don't help with that. We scroll and scroll through these pages of "professionals" sometimes ignoring the fact that they've been at practice for years prior to what they are sharing.

This year, put it into works. That podcast you've been contemplating about starting, JUST DO IT. More pouring some energy into your creativity and less watching. That fitness journey you're waiting to start until the perfect time of the end of the month, JUST DO IT.

Lastly, MOTIV8

Everything starts with self so some self-motivation never hurt anyone. If you're anything like me, until I hear it from myself first others trying to motivate me really falls on death ears. When you begin to give off motivation you tend to find it for others.

Follow Me:

Twitter: @KassiusKaay_

Instagram: @Kayporshaa

Snapchat: Kingporshaa

Sincerely Keyona Porshaa`


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